Јавни позив за учешће у јавној расправи o Нацрту закона о изменама и допунама Закона о пољопривреди и руралном развоју 02.09.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART C – Cost benefit and socio-economic impact analysis, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-07-2 18.08.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART B – Implementation modalities and changes in the system, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-06-2 18.08.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART A – Modelling and identification of typologies of agricultural holdings, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-05-2 18.08.2021.
Јавни позив за подношење захтева за остваривање права на подстицаје за инвестиције за унапређење и развој руралне јавне инфраструктуре у 2021 23.07.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART C – Cost benefit and socio-economic impact analysis, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-07 08.07.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART B – Implementation modalities and changes in the system, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-06 08.07.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART A – Modelling and identification of typologies of agricultural holdings, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-05 08.07.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) – Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART C – Cost benefit and socio-economic impact analysis, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-07 18.06.2021.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (CONSULTING SERVICES – INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS) – Assessment of the contribution base for the calculation of the pension and tax contributions for the agricultural producers in Serbia PART B – Implementation modalities and changes in the system, Reference No. SER-GA-IC-CS-21-06 18.06.2021.
Влада донела закључак за предузимање хитних мера ради појачане контроле тржишта и контроле на државној граници 20.02.2025.